
We Stand for Fairness

The Fair Deed Project is a nonprofit 501c3 organization that exists to fully remove racial restrictive covenants from deed restrictions.

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The Fair Deed Project strictly focuses on three things:


Many of these restrictions exist without anyone knowing it. We research and network with industry professionals to first identify communities which have Racial Restrictive Covenants in their deed restrictions.


We then seek to educate the community on the existence of RRCs and the removal process. In Texas, a minimum of 67% of property owners in a neighborhood must vote in favor of removal in order for it to be executed.


Finally, we do the hard work of mobilizing property owners in a neighborhood to organize a vote to remove or redact these restrictions. Our hope is that one day our project will no longer be necessary.

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Example of an actual deed from East Austin, Texas.

We believe racially non-restrictive covenants should be a right for every person of color. What is a racially restrictive covenant? It is a covenant that establishes restrictions on a property or deed based on color, ethnicity or race.